Monday, February 17, 2025
Official Language: The language of the KM Conference is English.
An extended abstract should not exceed one (1) page, single-spaced including heading information and references. All abstracts go through double-blind review by the editorial board of the conference, and those that are accepted for presentation at the conference are published in the refereed conference abstract proceedings.
Length: Papers must NOT exceed ten (10) pages, single-spaced including tables, figures, references, abstract and keywords list. Following the double-blind review process for the conference, high-marked papers that will be fast-tracked for publication in the Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management (OJAKM) should be 10-20 pages long. However, the initial submission of a paper is limited to 10 pages.
Abstract: One paragraph (100 - 200 words) in Times New Roman 12-point italics type immediately following the names of the authors.
Keywords: Select four to seven keywords that capture the essence of your paper.
Tables and Figures: The formatting of tables and figures is left largely up to the authors. Tables and figures should be sized and placed within the body of the paper. Care should be taken so that tables and figures are not separated between pages. Generally, tables and figures should be in Times New Roman 9- to 12-point type, and table column headings should be in bold. Graphics should be clearly rendered so as to yield attractive, readable printed copies. ALL GRAPHICS SHOULD BE INCLUDED IN THE PAPER.
References: The current APA formatting guidelines are used to make internal citations within the body as well as provide the complete alphabetic list of reference citations at the end of the paper. The References list contains only works cited in the paper and all works cited in the paper must be listed in the References section. Please refer to for complete APA Reference Style Guidelines.
Column: Place text in one (1) column, full justification.
Paper Size: Letter (8.5’’ x 11’’).
Margins: All four margins (top, bottom, left and right) must be one (1) inch.
Typeface: Must be Times New Roman 12-point type for ALL text.
Headings: Must be in Times New Roman 12-point bold type and centered.
Page Numbers: DO NOT put page numbers at the top or bottom of the pages.
Title: The title must be in Times New Roman 12-point bold type and centered across the top of the page.
Authors: All names should be centered across the page, supplying the name, university affiliation, and e-mail address in Times News Roman 12-point bold italicized type. The e-mail address is to be in lowercase.
Footnotes: NOT permitted.
File Format: All submissions must be in MS Word.