Sunday, February 16, 2025
Excellence in Leadership Award is given to individuals with significant service to their profession, university and community.
Dr. Shonda Brown, CIGNA Healthcare, USA
Dr. Melissa Carlton, Lindsey Wilson College, USA
Dr. Molly Cooper, Ferris State University, USA
Dr. Celina Sołek-Borowska, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
Dr. Patryk Dziurski, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
Prof. Meir Russ, University of Wisconsin - Green Bay, USA
Dr. Christiaan Maasdorp, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Dr. Michelle Ramim, Nova Southeastern University - KPCOM, USA
Dr. Julita Haber, Fordham University, USA
Mr. Jeff Angle, ISACA, USA
Dr. Shonda Brown, CIGNA Healthcare, USA
Dr. Melissa Carlton, Lindsey Wilson College, USA
Dr. Molly Cooper, Ferris State University, USA
Prof. Jean-Henry Morin, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Prof. Rolf von Rössing, FORFA Consulting AG, Switzerland
Prof. Meir Russ, University of Wisconsin - Green Bay, USA
Dr. Celina Sołek-Borowska, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
Dr. Christiaan Maasdorp, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Dr. Vered Silber-Varod, Tel Aviv University - AI and Data Science (TAD) Center, Israel
Dr. Michelle Ramim, Nova Southeastern University - KPCOM, USA
Dr. Julita Haber, Fordham University, USA
Mr. Matteo Deana, Adesso Schweiz AG, Switzerland
Mr. Jeff Angle, ISACA, USA
Dr. Shonda Brown, CIGNA Healthcare, USA
Dr. Melissa Carlton, Houston Baptist University, USA
Dr. Molly Cooper, Ferris State University, USA
Dr. Boštjan Delak, Faculty of Information Studies, Slovenia
Prof. Igor Bernik, Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, Slovenia
Prof. Meir Russ, University of Wisconsin - Green Bay, USA
Prof. Jean-Henry Morin, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Dr. Celina Sołek-Borowska, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
Dr. Christiaan Maasdorp, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Dr. Vered Silber-Varod, The Open University of Israel, Israel
Dr. Michelle Ramim, Nova Southeastern University - KPCOM, USA
Dr. Blaž Markelj, Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, Slovenia
Dr. Simon Vrhovec, Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, Slovenia
Mr. Aleksander Podlogar, Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, Slovenia
Ms. Anja Zahirovič, Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, Slovenia
Mrs. Anja Strelec, Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, Slovenia
Dr. Shonda Brown, CIGNA Healthcare, USA
Dr. Melissa Carlton, Houston Baptist University, USA
Dr. Boštjan Delak, Faculty of Information Studies, Slovenia
Prof. Nitza Geri, The Open University of Israel, Israel
Dr. Wilnelia Hernandez, Puerto Rico
Prof. Oliver Jokisch, Deutsche Telekom AG, HfT Leipzig, Germany
Dr. Joanna Krywalski Santiago - ISEG - University of Lisbon, Portugal
Dr. Eliel Melon, University of Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico
Dr. Michelle Ramim, Nova Southeastern University, USA
Prof. Meir Russ, University of Wisconsin - Green Bay, USA
Dr. Vered Silber-Varod, The Open University of Israel, Israel
Dr. Celina Sołek-Borowska, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
Dr. Shonda Brown, Middle Georgia State University, USA
Dr. Brian Buckles, National Defense University, USA
Prof. Carla Curado ISEG - University of Lisbon, Portugal
Dr. Boštjan Delak, Faculty of Information Studies, Slovenia
Prof. Nitza Geri, The Open University of Israel, Israel
Dr. Joanna Krywalski Santiago - ISEG - University of Lisbon, Portugal
Prof. Jean-Henry Morin, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Dr. Nuno Pena - ISEG - University of Lisbon, Portugal
Dr. Michelle Ramim, Nova Southeastern University, USA
Prof. Meir Russ, University of Wisconsin - Green Bay, USA
Dr. Vered Silber-Varod, The Open University of Israel, Israel
Dr. Celina Sołek-Borowska, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
Dr. Nathan White, Central Washington University, USA
Dr. Magdalena Mądra-Sawicka, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland
Prof. Bostjan Delak, Faculty of information studies, Slovenia
Dr. Joanna Santiago, ISEG - University of Lisbon, Portugal
Dr. Christiaan Maasdorp, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Dr. Beatrice Giotto,University of Pisa, Italy
Dr. Francesca Pinzauti, University of Pisa, Italy
Dr. Nathan White, Central Washington University, USA
Dr. Shonda Brown, Middle Georgia State University, USA
Prof. Bostjan Delak, Faculty of information studies, Novo Mesto, Slovenia
Prof. Nadja Damij, Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK
Prof. Nitza Geri, The Open University of Israel, Israel
Dr. Nuno pena, UnYLeYa Portugal and ISEG - University of Lisbon, Portugal
Prof. Carla Curado - ISEG - University of Lisbon, Portugal
Prof. Nitza Geri, The Open University of Israel, Israel
Prof. Alex Koohang, Middle Georgia State University, Georgia, USA
Dr. Jeretta Horn Nord, Professor, Oklahoma State University, USA
Prof. Bob Travica, University of Manitoba, Canada
Ljiljana Ruzic-Dimitrijevic, The Higher Education Technical School of Professional Studies, Serbia
Updated: July 25, 2024