Volume 1, 2013: Issue 2

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Organizational trust as a foundation for knowledge sharing and its influence on organizational performance


Joanna Paliszkiewicz, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland

Alex Koohang, Middle Georgia State College, USA


This study sought to investigate whether there is a positive contribution of organizational trust (OT) on organizational performance (OP) in various enterprises from the Province of Mazovia in Poland. The instrument used in this study included two parts that were used to measure the constructs of OT and OP. The instrument was then administered to 469 managers from 287 companies. A total of 468 usable data was entered into analyses using SPSS. Reliability test was conducted to determine internal consistency among the items for both OT and OP. Principal component analysis with Varimax rotation was conducted to determine the number of valid items in both OT and OP. Correlation procedure was then conducted to explore positive linear relationship between OT and OP. Finally, regression analyses were conducted to see if there is positive contribution of OT on OP. The analyses were followed by results, discussion, and implication for future research.


Knowledge management; Trust; Organizational trust; Organizational performance; Knowledge sharing; Innovation


Research paper


The Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management (OJAKM), ISSN: 2325-4688


International Institute for Applied Knowledge Management (IIAKM)


17 September 2013

