Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Issue DOI: https://doi.org/10.36965/OJAKM.2016.4(1)
Adopting cloud computing within the healthcare industry: opportunity or risk?
Linda Barthelus
Models of regional business spatial community management
Tomasz Turek
Knowledge Management in Brazilian, Portuguese and Polish Organizations: a Comparative Analysis
Florinda Matos
Válter Vairinhos
Fábio Ferreira Batista
Joanna Paliszkiewicz
Maria do Rosário Cabrita
An empirical study of authentication methods to secure e-learning system activities against impersonation fraud
Shauna Beaudin
Yair Levy
James Parrish
Theon Danet
A study on the success of group formation and cohesiveness in virtual teams using computer-mediated communications
Eliel Melon
Yair Levy
Laurie P. Dringus
Culturomics: Reflections on the Potential of Big Data Discourse Analysis Methods for Identifying Research Trends
Vered Silber-Varod
Yoram Eshet-Alkalai
Nitza Geri
Empirical results of an experimental study on the role of password strength and cognitive load on employee productivity
Stephen Mujeye
Yair Levy
Herbert Mattord
Wei Li
Text messaging's impact on an evidence based medicine tobacco cessation program
Steve E. Bronsburg
Steven B. Zucker
The learning officer decision matrix - a structural equation modeling approach for the management of asynchronous e-Learning projects
Nuno Pena
Student-identified requirements for persistence in a limited-residency information systems PhD program
Steven R. Terrell
Michael F. Lohle
Donna Kennedy
Identifying more about customers: the phenomenon of the switch to the knowledge exchange
Ewa Ziemba
Roisin Mullins
Mapping the Future of KM through Earl's KM Taxonomy Lens
John Girard
Vincent Ribière