KM Conference 2021, Pre-Conference Industry Day
On Tuesday, 29 June 2021, we will have the KM2021 Pre-Conference Industry Day conducted virtually and is FREE of charge, however,
registration is required. Please find below the Schedule and Program along with the flyers for the Invited Talks.
Pre-Conference Industry Day: Schedule and Detailed Program
Pre-Conference Industry Day: Flyers of Invited Talks
- Keynote – "Adding Knowledge To Your Data: Enterprise Knowledge Graph Management with eccenca Corporate Memory" - Dr. Sebastian Tramp - Chief Technology Officer at eccenca GmbH, Germany
- Invited Talk – "Language Interfaces with Automated Components for Business Applications" - Dr. Andreas Niekler - Institute of Computer Science at Universität Leipzig, Germany
- Invited Talk – "Digital Transformation for the German Energy Transition – Developing a Centralized KM Database for the Energy Market" - Dr. Florian Marquardt - Head of Digital Transformation at regiocom SE Magdeburg, Germany.
- Invited Talk – "How do we Increase and Optimize the Degree of Information and Knowledge Reuse at CORE?" - Evgeniya Ivanova - Knowledge Manager at CORE SE Consultancy, Berlin, Germany
- Invited Talk – "Setup and Knowledge Sharing of the new Fraunhofer Research Group for Cognitive Material Diagnostics" - Dr. Ivan Kraljevski Fraunhofer IKTS and Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus, Germany
- Panel Discussion – "Challenges of Knowledge Management and Data Structuring for AI-based Services" - Moderator: Prof. Nitza Geri, Participants: Dr. Niekler, Dr. Marquardt, Ms. Ivanova, Dr. Kraljevski, Dr. Silber-Varod, and Prof. Auth
- Live Art/Music – Taiji movement and relaxation with Uwe Keitel, directly from Dresden, Germany - Moderated by Dr. Joanna Santiago.